TRIANGULAR μOS for Commodore 64

TRIANGULAR μOS 1.27 for Commodore 64 [29-09-2023]:          [DOWNLOAD]  [SDK]

- Filenames convention changed from filename>ext[ension] to standard filename.ext[ension] e.g. uos>cfg to uos.cfg
- Added SYSTEM DISK folder for use with SD2IEC
- GUI: Menu Start button in the center of taskbar now made from purple TRIANGULAR logo
- WORDS: file extension changed to .txt
- MONITOR simplified running Machine Language program function
- STAR WARS X-Wing vs TIE Fighter (based on PET version) in place of CHUCK CHALLENGE
- CHUCK CHALLENGE added as extra on System Disk
- Various other bugfixes and improvements

TRIANGULAR μOS 1.25/C64 for Commodore 64 [20-10-2022]:      [DOWNLOAD]  [SDK]

- Code of TRIANGULAR μOS is reviewed, improved, cleaned and bug fixed
- System Registry is rearranged to make space for 2 sprites
- Slightly updated loader module screen (LOADING/RESTARTING/SHUT DOWN)
- Multi-characters handled by special function amounted for saving 1 KB of code
- BIOS: Some minor visual changes (mostly colors)
- BIOS: Detection of C64 or C128 in C64 mode
- GUI: Mouse pointer uses sprite instead of PETSCII character
- GUI: Time separator : (in right bottom corner) is blinking as seconds progress
- GUI: Windows repositioned and stretched with minor visual changes
- GUI: Windows can activate elements outside their loops in more advanced manner
- GUI: First element of μOS API named BASICCALLY added: Window creator that draws window based on given arguments
- GUI: Windows refreshes faster and without blinking
- SETTINGS: System settings and color settings merged into one SETTINGS window, divided by 2 tabs into SYSTEM and GRAPHICS (color options)
- SETTINGS: GRAPHICS tab now supports 16 colors and 2x more background patterns
- DISK: Program window slightly enlarged and improved few minor mechanisms
- CMD: Small visual changes and improved few minor mechanisms
- WORDS: Commands panel slightly redesigned with new options added
- WORDS: Repositioned and expanded text area
- WORDS: > symbol (indicating line to write) is removed and text area is 1 character wider
- WORDS: Faster typing-in mechanism
- WORDS: Clear Screen [Shift + Home] erases currently written line
- WORDS: F6 Copy line and F7 Paste line added
- WORDS: Clipboard shared with MATH calculator (F7 will retrieve memorized number in MATH)
- MATH: Window repositioned and minimal color theme update
- MATH: Clipboard shared with WORDS word processor (memory contains number copied inside WORDS)
- MONITOR: Show memory area function is reworked and enlarged
- SYNTH: Piano keyboard expanded and new voices added
- SIMCITY: Mechanism that selects land plot to activate is more random and equally covers available zoning area
- GAMES: CHUCK'S CHALLENGE & LIFE RAFT RESCUE - issues with sprites are corrected

TRIANGULAR μOS 1.20/C64 for Commodore 64 [31-08-2022]:      [DOWNLOAD]  [SDK]

- Support for Commodore 64 with its 40 column VIC-II text mode and SID chip is added
- BIOS: added indicator reminding to type time (<- TYPE NEW TIME) after pressing T
- WORDS: by pressing Home key you can reach first line of document
- SYNTH is reworked with simplified keyboard and limited to 1 voice channel which now can play sounds in normal, lower and higher octave ranges
- Only SIMCITY is carried over from TRIANGULAR μOS 1.15/VIC for Commodore VIC-20
- 3 new games from Roman Werner are added in place of old games:
- All games merged into GUI program file
- Bugfixes and improvements


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